menshevik internationalists造句
- As such, Liber opposed not only the Bolsheviks but also Menshevik Internationalists like his old comrade Martov.
- He therefore became the central leader of the Menshevik Internationalist faction which organized in opposition to the Menshevik Party leadership.
- The breakdown of delegates by party was thus : 285 Socialist-Revolutionaries, 248 Mensheviks, 105 Bolsheviks, 32 Menshevik Internationalists, and others.
- In taking this view, Liber parted ways with Dan, who had gone over to Martov's Menshevik Internationalists and eventually migrated to the far left of the Menshevik party.
- More principled in his opposition to the war was the Menshevik Internationalist leader Martov, who, however, was in a minority in his party until the Bolsheviks had taken power.
- These delegates were 73 Bolsheviks, 36 Mensheviks, 6 Menshevik Internationalists, 11 Bundists 31 non-fractional Social Democrats, 25 Social Revolutionaries and 7 delegates on no known party affiliation.
- Following the overthrow of the Provisional Government of Russia in the October Revolution, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers'and Soldiers'Deputies ( November 7 9, 1917 ) ratified the revolutionary transfer of state power . 649 delegates were elected to the Congress, representing 318 local soviets; 390 were Bolsheviks, about 100 left SRs, about 60 other SRs, 72 Mensheviks, 14 United Socialist Democrat-Internationalists, 6 Menshevik Internationalists and 7 of other factions.
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